Equip your students and faculty with unlimited access to our platform.
We are the perfect solution for your university needs.

Why Choose the Swiss Tax Institute for Your University

Course Builder
Drag-and-drop course builder, enabling the creation of course materials like lessons, quizzes, and assignments with ease.

Lessons & Quizzes
Creating engaging lessons and quizzes is effortless.

Easily set course prerequisites to a course as stepping stones to create a structured learning path.

Grade students smartly and precisely with customizable grade book

Keep students actively involved in the learning process with assignments.

Content Drip
Take control over content delivery with dynamic content drip

Live Classes
Take your teaching to the next level and foster deeper student interaction with live classes.

Course Bundles
Bundle related courses together, offering a clear roadmap to achieve specific learning goals.
Choose your perfect plan.
These prices are designed to be fair to all universities. We are also very open to discussion if you would like a custom plan.
*Disclaimer: Only for universities or private institutions that are active in the field of tax or finance in Switzerland or have a department in this field.
University Starter
Perfect for small universities with small departments.
CHF 4.99
*Billed annually
10% off for a 2-year plan
20% off for a 3-year plan
- Up to 50 student accounts
- Up to 5 teachers accounts (FREE)
- Student Dedicated Dashboard
- Teacher Dedicated Dashboard
- Tracking student progress
- Google Meet Integration
- Zoom Integration
- Custom Certificate Builder
- Gradebook
- Course Bundle
- Notify all students of course
- Quiz Attempts
- Assignments
- Q&A with students
- Downloadable Resources
- Access for students to all our courses
- Access for teachers to all our courses
- Setup course privacy (Private, Public)
- Dedicated Team Support
University Unlimited
Ideal for big universities or private institutions.
*Billed annually
10% off for a 2-year plan
20% off for a 3-year plan
- Unlimited student accounts
- Unlimited teachers accounts (FREE)
- Student Dedicated Dashboard
- Teacher Dedicated Dashboard
- Tracking student progress
- Google Meet Integration
- Zoom Integration
- Custom Certificate Builder
- Gradebook
- Course Bundle
- Notify all students of course
- Quiz Attempts
- Assignments
- Q&A with students
- Downloadable Resources
- Access for students to all our courses
- Access for teachers to all our courses
- Setup course privacy (Private, Public)
- Dedicated Team Support
Send us your details
Your questions answered.
Universities gain access to expert-curated courses on Swiss tax regulations, tailored learning paths for students, certification options, and tools for faculty development. Additionally, the platform offers multilingual support, analytics, and resources for integrating tax education into curriculums.
The Starter Plan includes up to 50 student accounts and 5 teacher accounts, with access to a curated selection of courses. The Unlimited Plan provides unlimited accounts for students and faculty, full access to the course library, advanced analytics.
Yes, both students and faculty can earn certifications upon course completion.
Absolutely. The platform offers courses and resources in multiple languages, including English, German, French, and Italian, ensuring accessibility for diverse student populations.
Faculty have access to a drag-and-drop course builder, enabling them to upload videos, create interactive quizzes, and customize learning paths to align with their academic goals.
We provide dedicated support for universities, including priority email and chat support for both plans members. Faculty and administrators also receive onboarding assistance and access to training resources.
We provide dedicated support for universities, including priority email and chat support for both plans members. Faculty and administrators also receive onboarding assistance and access to training resources.
Universities can choose between the Starter Plan or the Unlimited Plan. Pricing for the Unlimited Plan is personalized based on the number of students and faculty members. Contact us for a custom quote tailored to your institution’s needs.